PARVEEN BABI – RAPACIOUS EXPLOITATION BY MAHESH BHATT A fake friend, deviously misleads talented, beautiful and glamourous Parveen Babi, a famous star, educated, simple yet highly independent woman but could not understand the pettiness of Mahesh Bhatt. For his personal and professional gain, Mahesh Bhatt exploited Parveen Babi blatantly in the past and continues to do so, a ‘curator’ of her memories and life, his neurotic obsession in portraying her ‘story’ every few years, delving time and again only on one sad aspect of her life. Bhatt cannot visualise the rise of a middle-class girl to become the topmost heroine of her time, a girl with no interest in films in the beginning, yet with her talent and dedication became an accomplished artist, an effortless performer of comedy and drama. Mahesh Bhatt, an unsuccessful director befriended a ‘STAR’ with sole intent to become famous and successful, the germs of deception and scheming duplicity, took advantage of a vuln...